PyBites Books

Energetic Protection

Energetic Protection

Author(s) Patricia Martinot, Fons Delnooz
Publisher Independently Published
Published 2013-07-24
ISBN 9781977024541
Page Count183
Language en
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Wherever people meet physically, they influence each other energetically, regardless of distance. A personal experience of the author opened his eyes to these energy exchanges. In this book these exchanges are clearly described. It also explains how sudden tiredness, irritation, apathy, pain, and also a burn-out could be caused by energetic contact(s) between people.This book is written for (energetically) sensitive people and anyone interested to learn more about the body as an energy system. It is an action-book, in which the reader is shown step by step how to protect the body from energetic pollution and drainage. The book also contains practical advise on how to maintain a healthy energy system.Energetic protection is a must-have educational book relevant to a wide variety of fields, including physical and energy therapies.