Author(s) | Ulrich Boser |
Publisher | Potter/TenSpeed/Harmony/Rodale |
Published | 2019-09-03 |
ISBN | 9780593135310 |
Page Count | 304 |
Language | en |
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NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 4 months ago:
In the latter portion of Chapter 2: Target, Boser introduces metacognition, and its power to increase learning. Breaking down a topic and thinking about the why's and how's that compose the problem allow you to comprehend the problem deeper. Expert's rely on metacognition a great deal, and it is one of the factors that make them an expert. To not only solve a problem, but understand it, break down the problem as you approach it and after having solved it allows for a deeper comprehension and higher skill in problem solving.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 4 months ago:
In the Better Thinking section of the Targeted Learning chapter, Boser is presenting information about expertise to the reader. He takes the position that due to the process of turning short-term memory into long term memory, (learning something), learning from experts is extra challenging. This is because expert knowledge is often vast, nuanced, and experts have typically automated a portion of their expertise, making it more challenging to communicate in the first place. Boser makes this argument while telling the story of his interview with font-superstar Matthew Carter.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 4 months ago:
I'm confused by Boser's quizzes that come before the sections of text they relate to. Maybe he is using them as a technique to introduce the topic, but I can't shake the frustration of a quiz on content that I am unfamiliar with. However, that even may relate back to other principals in his book, namely the challenge aspect of learning. He exposes the reader to new information in the format of a quiz, preparing them to resolve that quiz shortly after? Still a bit... quizzical.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 4 months ago:
Further into Chapter 2, Boser elaborates on the knowledge effect, the amount you know informs your ability to learn, discussing the brain's neutral structure and natural preference for linking topics together. Learning should be in the goldilocks position, just beyond what you currently know, but not so foreign that you cannot make connections to the new knowledge. The value of the self-quizzing technique was emphasized again.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 4 months ago:
In Chapter 2, Boser begins to talk about the concept of targeting. He touches on the idea that you can connect new information to existing infomation in order to learn and retain the new information better.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 5 months ago:
I read latter half of the first chapter of Learn Better, titled Value, one of the six ingredients of learning better. Boser communicated several interesting anecdotes including that of the mental abacus: mind-body connection, the muy-thai corkscrew punch: learning by doing, feeling more American in Germany and more German in America: the affect of social environment on learning, the MET research study by Bill Gates: effective teachers encourage students to make learning connections and provide motivation & support to students.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 5 months ago:
There is a social element to learning, where having a group can boost motivation, etc.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 5 months ago:
In the first chapter of Learn Better, Boser begins discussing the element of meaning within value. He describes us seekers and that we principally do things because we find meaning in them. He also introduces the concept of learn crafting, where we tailor the learning or application of learning to ourselves, thus embedding meaning into learning and resulting in better learning. The chapter contained sentiments about utilizing learn crafting and embedding meaning into our work. A story about hospital janitorial staff was shared. The story followed a researcher who who questioned the staff about why they did their job and found that many staff found significant personal meaning in their job, and those that did were much more engaged and happy.
NE nekoprograms added a quote 2 years, 5 months ago:
For my part, I’ve come to view motivation as a fire. It needs an emotional spark in order to flame up, but without management, it can quickly die down—or grow out of control.
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 5 months ago:
We learn most effectively when concepts are broken down into discrete chunks. But for it to be meaningful to us, and thus have value, there needs to be some choice embedded into the learning process. Choice also provides stronger motivation and and engagement than a traditional linear curriculum. This is why Google is so successful at tackling various fields. They give their employees the autonomy to use learn crafting to formulate products and software.
NE nekoprograms added a quote 2 years, 5 months ago:
They called the approach “job crafting,” and it has a basic message: Shift your job to fit your interests. If you’re an extrovert working at a library, craft your job so that you’re a part-time tour guide for the library. Employed at a nonprofit firm and love data? Consider helping the marketing staff analyze trends as a way to boost donations. pg. 28
NE nekoprograms added a note 2 years, 5 months ago:
In the introduction, Ulrich Boser shares how he found himself pursuing how to learn better. He talks about a study at a Catholic girl's school where 3 teams were instructed to play darts. The team who used a learning method excelled the most. This and references to other scientific basis serve as his foundation for learning better. One of the learning techniques Boser introduces is quizzing oneself, which reminded me of spaced repetition flashcards I originally encountered while studying Japanese. He goes on to outline the structure of his book, and the system for developing expertise: VTDERR Value - in order to learn we must see the benefit Target - set goals and targets to maintain focus Develop - practice is key, but some forms of practice are more effective than others Extend - application of knowledge Relate - fit the knowledge together like a puzzle and its pieces Rethink - reconsider what you learned and revisit it. It is easy to make mistakes and mix things up