PyBites Books



Author(s) Kay Plunkett-Hogge, Debora Robertson
Publisher Rizzoli
Published 2021-04-06
ISBN 9781911641315
Page Count112
Language en
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Good manners aren't about cutlery, codes, or brains--they're about kindness.

Good manners are not about knowing what to wear for drinks at six, being pretentious, or catching people out with some mysterious saladfork-related regulation. Writers and broadcasters Kay Plunkett-Hogge and Debora Robertson have honed their combined social wisdom into a warm, witty, how-to guide on how to live modern life with manners--and have a lot of fun along the way. This funny, frank handbook is a cheat sheet to every social situation--a right-hand man(ual) to styling out life with sass and a modicum of grace.