PyBites Books

In Praise of Slow

In Praise of Slow

Author(s) Carl Honore
Publisher Orion
Published 2010-11-25
ISBN 9781409133049
Page Count352
Language en
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Across the western world more and more people are slowing down. Slower is better: better work, better productivity, better exercise, better sex, better food.


Almost everyone complains about the hectic pace of their lives. These days, our culture teaches that faster is better. But in the race to keep up, everything suffers - our work, diet and health, our relationships and sex lives.

International bestselling author Carl Honoré uncovers a movement that challenges the cult of speed. In this entertaining and hands-on investigation, he takes us on a tour of the emerging Slow movement: from a Tantric sex workshop in London to a meditation room for Tokyo executives, from a SuperSlow exercise studio in New York, to Italy, the home of the Slow Food, Slow Cities and Slow Sex movements.

There has never been a better time to embrace the healing power of living slow.