PyBites Books
Reading Lists
Jbettenh's Reading List
Total reading:
books added, of which
read totalling
Reading (2)
Completed (13)
Wants to read (8)
The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed (Benjamin Graham)
Todesfrist (Andreas Gruber)
Grow Bonsai (Peter Warren)
Sein Reich (Martin Schäuble)
Ghosts of Honolulu (Mark Harmon)
A Mind For Numbers (Barbara Oakley, PhD)
Python for DevOps (Noah Gift, Kennedy Behrman, Alfredo Deza, Grig Gheorghiu)
Problem Solving 101 (Ken Watanabe)
Tschick (Wolfgang Herrndorf)
Eat That Frog! Action Workbook (Brian Tracy)
A Thousand Ships (Natalie Haynes)
Don't Make Me Think, Revisited (Steve Krug)
Die drei ??? und der Geisterbunker (drei Fragezeichen) (Ben Nevis)
The Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux)
Atomic Habits (James Clear)
1984 (George Orwell)
Hollow Kingdom (Kira Jane Buxton)
The Terror (Dan Simmons)
The Outsider (Stephen King)
The Soul of an Octopus (Sy Montgomery)
The Enigma of Room 622 (Joël Dicker)
Children of Time (Adrian Tchaikovsky)
Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir)