PyBites Books
Reading Lists
Pybites' Reading List
Total reading:
books added, of which
read totalling
Reading (3)
Completed (28)
Wants to read (10)
Serious Python (Julien Danjou)
Modern Python Standard Library Cookbook (Alessandro Molina)
Natural Language Processing with Python (Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper)
REST APIs with Django (William S. Vincent)
The Developer's Code (Ka Wai Cheung)
Thinking in Systems (Donella H. Meadows)
The Clean Coder (Robert C. Martin)
Clean Code (Robert C. Martin)
Technical Blogging (Antonio Cangiano)
Building Software Teams (Joost Visser, Sylvan Rigal, Gijs Wijnholds, Zeeger Lubsen)
Building Maintainable Software, Java Edition (Joost Visser, Sylvan Rigal, Rob van der Leek, Pascal van Eck, Gijs Wijnholds)
Refactoring (Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts)
Data Science at the Command Line (Jeroen Janssens)
Practical Vim (Drew Neil)
Hackers & Painters (Paul Graham)
The Passionate Programmer (Chad Fowler)
Grokking Algorithms (Aditya Y. Bhargava)
Python Interviews (Michael Driscoll)
Python Testing with Pytest (Brian Okken)
Flask Web Development (Miguel Grinberg)
Two Scoops of Django 1.11 (Daniel Roy Greenfeld)
Effective Python (Brett Slatkin)
Powerful Python (Aaron Maxwell)
Mastering Python (Rick van Hattem)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python (Kenneth Reitz, Tanya Schlusser)
The Pragmatic Programmer (Andrew Hunt, David Thomas)
Code Complete (Steve McConnell)
Python Cookbook (David Beazley, Brian K. Jones)
Fluent Python (Luciano Ramalho)
Python Tricks (Dan Bader)
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (Al Sweigart)
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python (Andreas C. Müller, Sarah Guido)
500 Lines Or Less (Amy Brown)
Coders at Work (Peter Seibel)
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (Aurélien Géron)
Data Science from Scratch (Joel Grus)
Python in a Nutshell (Alex Martelli)
Designing Bots (Amir Shevat)
Coding for Beginners (Louie Stowell)
How to Teach Programming (and Other Things) (Greg Wilson)
Elements of Programming Interviews in Python (Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, Amit Prakash)